Connecting Spirituality
with Social Action
through walking humbly, loving mercy, doing justice and feeding folks.
Walking Humbly
Deepening our relationship with God and cultivating humility.
A Year of Thoughts for 2025
Meaningful thoughts compiled by Dave Sieplinga and Dave Kool, delivered to your inbox daily.
Deep Roots = Spiritual Fruits
How grace and gratitude give us a passion for the Kingdom of God and lead to the spiritual gifts becoming character traits.
Life Perspectives
Encourage the development of a life perspective based on theology and writings of St. Francis, Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr, and St. Clare of Assisi.
Campaign to Update the Language of the Lord’s Prayer
Campaign to update the language of The Lord’s Prayer.
Loving Mercy
Being drawn to a life of compassion and mercy.
Deep Roots - Nature’s Fruits
A retreat focused on connecting our spirituality with social action in the fall of 2025.
Proactive Ministry of Reconciliation
We want to encourage the healing of broken relationships through love, forgiveness, and confession.
Doing Justice
Creating a just world in which all people have equal opportunity to fully develop the gifts that God has placed within them.
Holistic Developmental Ministry
Walking, Loving, Doing - leading a church in holistic developmental ministry.
Being a Neighbor
Great Lakes Urban is a national trainer for Asset Based Community Development [ABCD].
This is a concrete strategy to love your neighbor.
Spring Break Mission Trips
For the past 20 years Dave Kool has hosted spring break trips in the Orlando, Florida area. Participants have come from Church groups and students from Hope College, Calvin University, and Grand Valley State University.
Feeding Folks
Catering By a Veteran - Specialist 4th Class David Kool.
Tasteful and Affordable Food.
”Eat to your heart’s content”
Mess Hall, Ministry, and Mission Trip Meals
The mission of Mess Hall and Mission Trip Meals is to provide abundant, nutritious, and enjoyable food which builds fellowship and community. We want to be flexible with schedules and sensitive to dietary concerns while staying within a lower budget range.
Explore Recipes Brother Lawrence: Patron Saint of the Kitchen