Mission Trips

For the past 20 years Dave Kool has hosted spring break trips in the Orlando, Florida area. Participants have come from Church groups and students from Hope College, Calvin University, and Grand Valley State University.

GVSU 2025

March 1-8, 2025, in Eatonville, FL

Eatonville, Florida, located six miles north of Orlando, is the oldest incorporated African-American community in the country. After the Civil War significant numbers of freed slaves moved to Central Florida looking for work and the power to govern themselves. A newspaper heading from a June 1989 newspaper declared, “Colored people of the United States Solve The Great Race Problem by securing a home in Eatonville, Florida, a town started and run by Negroes.” And although we all know this did not solve the race problem Eatonville has stood as a testimony to black equality, pride, and independence. Its most famous citizen was Zola Neale Hurston, a famous author whose most well known work was, Their Eyes Are Watching God.” Their motto is, “The Town that Freedom Built.”

Today Eatonville is a town with a population around 2,300 with 80 % being black. It has an attractive downtown composed mainly of public buildings and a few small businesses. But the beauty of the city is found in its people. They are filled with faith, graciousness, warmth, and hospitality.

In the spring of 2024 I had the pleasure of hosting 25 students from Grand Valley State [GVSU] and Calvin Universities as they served in Eatonville. Stanley Murray, The Eatonville Chief of police facilitated the contacts with the family. We worked on 4 houses that were owned by senior citizens who were all long-term contributors to their hometown. And more than anything else they welcomed us into their lives and homes as we worked together to paint and repair their homes and landscaping.

In the spring of 2025 (and hopefully a number of springs in the future) Walking, Loving, Doing [WLD] will be hosting 14 students from GVSU the first week in March. David Kool, the Director of WLD has been hosting students from GVSU in Orlando for the past 22 years. The main objective of the trip is to impact the Eatonville community through home/community improvement projects. We want our participants to engage in meaningful, significant, and steady service. It has been amazing to see how God brings together just the right mix of skill and effort to accomplish these projects. Secondary objectives are (1) coming to understand the causes and cures of poverty (2) how we can most effectively help others (3) deepening our faith - especially as it pertains to being a neighbor (4) building the “beloved community” within the group.

If you are interested in further information visit walkinglovingdoing.org, or contact Dave @ (616)-283-0553 or dave@walkingloving doing.org.


Fill out the form below to reach out to Dave Kool about attending this special event.